Complete Guide to Malaysia Company Registration Setup Cost in 2025
Malaysia is one of Southeast Asia’s most dynamic business hubs, offering a strategic location, cost-effective operations, and a pro-business environment for entrepreneurs and corporations. With a stable economy, competitive tax rates, and government-backed incentives, Malaysia is an attractive destination for company registration and business expansion.
Key industries such as manufacturing, tourism, and petroleum thrive in Malaysia due to its affordable business costs, skilled workforce, and well-developed infrastructure. In this guide, we provide a step-by-step breakdown of the Malaysia company registration process, including required documents, legal requirements, and post-registration compliance. Whether you’re a startup, SME, or multinational corporation, this comprehensive resource will help you navigate the company setup process in Malaysia with ease.
How to Register a Company in Malaysia
All businesses registered in Malaysia are required to go through the Companies Commission of Malaysia, which is the statutory body formed under an Act of Parliament that regulates the corporate bodies and business affairs in Malaysia. The Companies Commission of Malaysia is known locally by the Malay variation of its name, which is Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia, hence the commonly known SSM.
The SSM Registration Process in Malaysia
A business in Malaysia may be registered with the SSM by either using a personal name or a trade name, depending on the preference of the individual who is registering the said business. If the individual is registering a business using a personal name (for example, their own name that is registered on their identity card) they do not need to submit an application for a business name.
For individuals who intend to register the business using a trade name, the proposed name of the business must get prior approval from the Registrar of Business. Once the name has been approved, the next steps of the SSM registration process would be as follows:
- Individuals would need to complete Business Registration Form A with details of the business name, commencement date of the business, principal place of the business, the address of the business branch if any, information of the owners and partners, the type of business carried out and provide a copy of the Partnership Agreement if any.
- If there is more than one business owner involved, every owner and partner is required to sign the completed form.
- The application form must be submitted over the counter or through the online SSM e-Lodgement services in the SSM’s website.
- Documents that must be submitted along with the forms include a photocopy of the individual’s identity card, permits, license or supporting letters for the type of business, approval of the supporting letter from the relevant agency if required by the Registrar of Business.
What Are the Requirements for SSM Registration in Malaysia?
To be able to successfully register a business in Malaysia, individuals would need to meet the following requirements:
- To register with the SSM requires that the individual be a Malaysian citizen or a permanent resident of Malaysia.
- The individual must be 18 years of age and above.
- Registration of the business must not be later than 30 days from the date of the business commencement.
- The nature of the business must not contravene any laws or be likely to be used for unlawful purposes.
New business registrations in Malaysia are valid for a period of one year and do not exceed five years on each registration. Individuals need to keep in mind that despite being registered with the SSM, licences, permits or approval letters from other relevant authorities that are needed for the business must be obtained by the individual on their own. More information on Guide to Malaysia Company Registration.
The two types of companies that can be incorporated under the Companies Act 2016 are:
- A company limited by shares
- An unlimited company
A company having a share capital may be incorporated as a private company (identified through the words ‘Sendirian Berhad’ or ‘Sdn. Bhd.’ appearing together with the company’s name) or public company ‘Berhad’ or ‘Bhd’ appearing together with the company’s name).
The requirements to form a company or opening a company are:
(i) A minimum of one subscriber to the shares of the company (Section 14 CA);
(ii) A minimum of one director (Section 122); and
(iii) A company secretary who can be either :
- An individual who is a member of a professional body prescribes by the Minister of Domestic Trade Cooperative and Consumerism; or
- An individual licensed by the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM)
Both the director and company secretary shall have their principal or only place or residence within Malaysia.
1. Filing Application of Company Name Search
A name search must be conducted to determine whether the proposed name of the company is available for Malaysia Company Registration or open company in Malaysia. Refer to Guidelines For Naming A Company and Guidelines For Application Of A Company Name. The steps involved are:
(i) Completion and submission of Form 13A CA (Request For Availability Of Name) to SSM; and
(ii) Payment of a RM30.00 fee for each name applied for Malaysia Company Registration.
Where the proposed company’s name is approved by SSM, it shall be reserved for three months from the date of approval.
2. Lodgement of Incorporation Documents for Malaysia Company Registration
Incorporation Documents (as further explained in Part B below) must be submitted to SSM within 3 months from the date of approval of the company’s name by SSM, failure of which a fresh application for a name search must be done before open company in Malaysia. (Steps (i) and (ii) above shall have to be repeated).
1. Constitution (formerly known as Memorandum and Article of Association)
An original of the Constitution (formerly known as Memorandum and Article of Association) shall each be stamped at RM100.00. Stamps are affixed at the Inland Revenue Board’s stamp office.
- The first directors and secretaries shall be named in the Constitution (formerly known as Memorandum and Article of Association).
- The subscribers to the company’s shares shall sign the Constitution (formerly known as Memorandum and Article of Association) in front of a witness.
- Table A of the Fourth Schedule in the CA can be adopted as the Constitution of the company (Section 30 CA).
*NOTE: For incorporation of a private company, the articles of association shall contain the following stipulations.
(i) Restriction on the right to transfer the company’s shares;
(ii) Limitation on the number of members to not exceed fifty;
(iii) Prohibition to any invitation to the public to subscribe the shares/debentures of the company; and
(iv) Prohibition on public invitation to deposit money with the company.
2. Form 48A (Statutory Declaration By A Director Or Promoter Before Appointment)
The director or promoter declares under oath that:
- He/She is not a bankrupt; and
- He/She has not been convicted and imprisoned for any prescribed offences.
3. Form 6 (Declaration of Compliance)
This declaration states that all the requirements of the CA have been complied with. It must be signed by the company secretary who handles the SDN BHD Company registration services and is named in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
4. Additional Documents:
- Original copy of Form 13A.
- A copy of the letter from SSM approving the name of the company.
- A copy of the identity card of each director and company secretary.
Under the new Companies Act 2016, a flat registration fee of RM1,000 is payable to SSM for each application for the incorporation of a company and register company online in Malaysia.
Under the old Companies Act 1965, each application for the incorporation of a company shall be accompanied with payment as per the schedule follows:
Up to 400,000 | 1,000 |
400,001 – 500,000 | 3,000 |
500,001 – 1 million | 5,000 |
1,000,001 – 5 million | 8,000 |
5,000,001 – 10 million | 10,000 |
10,000,001 – 25 million | 20,000 |
25,000,001 – 50 million | 40,000 |
50,000,001 – 100 million | 50,000 |
100,000,001 and above | 70,000 |
A notice of registration (formerly known as Certificate of Incorporation) will be issued by SSM upon compliance with the incorporation procedures and submission of the duly completed Incorporation Documents.
The procedures and Incorporation Documents for the incorporation of an unlimited company is the same as a company limited by shares. The only difference is that for an unlimited company, the liability of its members must be stated in the Constitution (formerly known as Memorandum and Article of Association) as unlimited.
A foreign company may carry on business registration in Malaysia by either:
- Incorporating a local company with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM); or
- Registering the foreign company in Malaysia with SSM.
Foreign company is defined under the Companies Act as:
(a) a company, corporation, society, association or other body incorporated outside Malaysia; or
(b) an unincorporated society association, or other body which under the law of its place of origin may sue or be sued, or hold property in the name of the secretary or other officer of the body or association duly appointed for that purpose and which does not have its head office or principal place of business in Malaysia.
1. Application of Name Search
A name search must be conducted to determine whether the proposed name of the company is available for registration. Refer to Guidelines For Naming A Company and Guidelines For Application Of A Company Name. The steps involved are:
(i) Completion and submission of Form 13A of the CA (Request for Availability of Name) to SSM.
(ii) Payment of an RM30.00 fee for each name applied.
The name to be used to register the foreign company should be the same as registered in its country of origin. Where the proposed company’s name is approved by SSM, it shall be reserved for three months from the date of approval for register company online Malaysia.
2. Lodgement of Registration Documents for register company in Malaysia
Registration documents (as further explained in Part B below) must be submitted to SSM within 3 months from the data of approval of the company’s name by SSM, failing which a fresh application for a name search must be done (i.e. steps (i) and (ii) above shall have to be repeated).
The following documents shall be submitted to SSM in order to register a company in Malaysia:
(i) A certified copy of the certificate of incorporation or registration of the foreign company.
(ii) A certified copy of the foreign company’s charter, statute or Memorandum and Articles of Association or other instrument defining its constitution.
(iii) Form 79 (Return by Foreign Company Giving Particulars of Directors and Changes of Particulars).
*NOTE: If the list includes directors residing in Malaysia who are members of the local board of directors of the foreign company, a memorandum stating their powers must be executed by or on behalf of the foreign company and submitted to SSM.
(iv) A memorandum of appointment or power of attorney authorising the person (s) residing in Malaysia, to accept on behalf of the foreign company any notices required to be served on such foreign company.
(iv) Form 80 (Statutory Declaration by Agent of Foreign Company).
(v) Additional documents consisting of:
- The original copy of Form 13A; and
- A copy of the letter from SSM approving the name of the foreign company.
Registration fees shall be as per the payment schedule below:
Up to 1,000,000 | 5,000 |
1,000,001 – 10,000,000 | 20,000 |
10,000,001 – 50,000,000 | 40,000 |
50,000,001 – 100,000,000 | 60,000 |
100,000,001 and above | 70,000 |
A certificate of registration will be issued by SSM upon compliance with the registration procedures and submission of duly completed Registration Documents. The Company will be informed once 3E received the certificate of registration from register SSM. Company Search can be performed once it was setup. 3E will remind you to file your Company Tax when the deadline is due.
If any of the described registration documents are in languages other than Malay or English, a certified translation of such documents in Malay or English shall be required.
Business Plans for Your Company – Then SDN BHD Registration
If you are considering SDN BHD Registration, you are now ready to take the challenge of building your business from the ground up. Aside from knowing the process of SDN BHD Registration, you also have to prepare your business plan. It has to be very detailed and well-studied. It must include all the necessary information you might need when it comes to your operations.
Besides knowing SDN BHD Registration, it is also important to study your competition when coming up with a business plan. Your company should have differentiation from other existing firms. In setting up goals for your business, you have to be realistic in terms of the timeframe and assets your company owns. It is also important to identify your target market so you can cater to it better.
The mentioned above are just some of the tips you have to remember. As an entrepreneur, you also have to be conservative in estimating your finances. This means you also have to be conservative in projecting growth. This will help you manage your expectations better after you are done with SDN BHD Registration.