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3E could help you to register your Company in Malaysia efficiently, effectively and economically, please fill up the Company Incorporation Form below. We will respond to you within 24 hours.

For Company Registration with more than 4 shareholders / directors, please complete the manual incorporation form and email to us at [email protected].

Fill out my online form.
  • Proposed company names with its meaning
  • Principal business activities of the proposed company
  • Photocopy of all directors & shareholders NRIC or Passport *, **
  • Latest resume and proof of residential address of all directors such as utility bills (if different from NRIC)
  • Paid-up capital information
  • Business occupation, email and contact number of all directors & shareholders & beneficial owners
  • Percentage of shareholding of each shareholder
  • Kindly provide us with the information of the beneficial owner if he/she is not listed as the named shareholder.
  • If you would like to update the address of principal place of business (i.e. place where the business operation is being/to be carried out) with SSM, please provide us with the address proof such as utility bills or bank statements issued within the last 2 months, tenancy agreement, quit rent assessment notice, etc (if any).
  • What is the source and origin of funds used/to be used in the business? (e.g. Employment / Business / Investment income from Malaysia)
  • Expected location of Malaysia Company’s customers and suppliers
  • A written confirmation (email is acceptable) that each of the director(s), nominee director(s), nominator of nominee director(s), shareholders, beneficial owners/controllers, agents (if any), and settlor(s), trustee(s), beneficiary(ies), protector(s), investment manager(s) (for any trust structure) are not a Politically Exposed Person. ####
  • For Trust – Copy of Trust Deed containing name and administrative address of the Trust, copy of NRIC/passport, proof of residential address, contact information and resume of settlor(s), trustee(s), beneficiary(ies), protector(s), investment manager(s), etc.

* It is a statutory requirement to have at least one resident directors for setting-up a private limited company in Malaysia. Other than a local Malaysian who permanently resides in Malaysia, any foreigner with a Resident Talent Pass (RPT) / permanent resident (PR) / MM2H holder also qualified to be considered as Resident Director to register business Malaysia. In the absence of these, you may consider to subscribe to our Nominee Director Services.

** If the shareholder is a corporate entity, please provide the corporate shareholder’s copy of Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum & Articles of Association/Constitution, Certificate of Incumbency or equivalent document (Click Certificate of Incumbency to download the sample), and Proof of registered address, corporate chart/structure, details of the corporate representative(s) together with written documents such as a Board Resolution showing among others the subscription of shares, percentage of shareholdings in the Malaysia company, appointment of any representative as director in the Malaysia company, the appointment of the corporate representative and the authorisation given by the corporate shareholder(s) to the director, if any, and the corporate representative(s) and etc. If the shareholder of the corporate shareholder is also a corporation, please provide a similar set of the registration documents as mentioned earlier. Such requirement is necessary for all corporate shareholders until the ultimate individual shareholder(s) is/are identified.

#### Politically exposed person means an individual who is or has been entrusted with any prominent public function in Malaysia or a foreign country, or an individual who is or has been entrusted with any prominent public function by an international organisation, and includes an immediate family member or close associate of such an individual.