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A Resignation Letter Is a Professional and Legitimate Approach to an End
There are many reasons for people to job-hop these days. Among the prevalent reasons are to acquire higher income. For some, they genuinely seek new challenges to enhance their skills and experience. Whatever reasons you have for jumping into a new job, be sure that you leave the current company on a good and professional note. You can do so by figuring out how to write a resignation letter in Malaysia the proper way.
The Binding Contract
Did you know that the employment contract that comes with the offer letter is legally binding? The employment contract in Malaysia is mandatory for work required for more than a month. Even if you are employed for a mere two months, you are entitled to an employment contract. The employment contract is governed by the Employment Act 1955. At the first receipt of an offer letter, many forget to read through the employment contract. Employees usually refer to the contract whenever there is a dispute in the workplace or find out their notice period for resigning from the company. Most employment contracts in Malaysia has a probation period, and it applies to both permanent workers and fixed-term workers.
Ending the Contract
Commonly, the employment contract will state how termination works in the company. It will also state the probation period of the employee. According to common practises, employees on probation may not need to serve a notice period of resigning. Some companies are adopting and stating the least amount of notice period even during the probation period. But a different notice period will apply to the employee once they have completed the probation period. Most companies insist on between one to three months’ notice period for employees. If none is stated, employees can refer to the Employment Act provisions for the notice period. For an employee working less than two years, their notice period is four weeks. For employees who have worked between two to five years, their notice period is six weeks. Senior employees who have worked with the company for more than five years will have a notice period of eight weeks. By referring to these notice periods, an employee can duly calculate their last day at the office.
The Last Letter
The manner to write a resignation letter in Malaysia is pretty straightforward. Once you have decided on an effective date, you can begin writing the final letter to conclude your employment. Draft your letter by addressing it to your boss and relevant parties, including your HR. Be precise in your subject title so people reading the letter can expect similar contents. Start your letter referencing the subject matter and state your intention of resigning from your current position, with immediate effect or giving an effective date. The next paragraph can contain reasons for your departure or a simple gratitude mention of the years and experience gained from the company. End it with a thank you and sign the letter.