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Goods and Services Tax (GST) Service in Malaysia

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) announced that starting from 1 June 2018, the rate of the Goods and Service tax (GST) will be reduced to 0% from the current 6%. For more information regarding the change and guide, please refer to: Malaysia GST Reduced to Zero

Package Fee for GST Services

Packages Available Fee (RM)
subjected to Service Tax
E-Filing of GST * Free
GST Registration [Compulsory] From RM400
GST Registration [Voluntary] From RM800
GST Filings and Reviews [Monthly or Quarterly] From RM500
GST Implementation Advisory & Planning From RM2,000

* E-filing on behalf is provided only if you have engaged our monthly Bookkeeping Services
** Extra charge is applied for 3E Accounting to visit custom office regard follow up on GST registration status or attend custom queries.


Goods and Services Tax Agent

3E Accounting is extremely honoured to be recognized as a Goods and Services Tax (“GST”) Agent licensed by the Ministry of Finance, Malaysia on October 2016. The license enables 3E Accounting to further enhance its services and provide a one stop solution centre for all businesses.


Goods and Services Tax (GST) was implemented in Malaysia on 1st April 2015.

However, many Malaysians still seemed unprepared and still confused about GST – particularly as the scope and requirement of Malaysia GST is the most complex compared to other countries.

The next big challenge for businesses is to prepare and submit their GST return.


If you are not GST ready, please don’t wait !!!

Goods and Services Tax (GST)“Custom officers would be deployed nationwide to check on errant businesses now !”
“It is time to enforce the law, the advisory period is over,” Customs GST director Datuk Subromaniam Tholasy” said. 3,000 undercover officers ‘shop’ for traders flouting regulations

Contact us immediately at [email protected] to find out how 3E Accounting could help you to be GST complied.

The common GST issues faced by our customers:-

  • Do my business need to register for GST?
  • Should my business voluntary register for GST?
  • I have registered for GST but what would be the next steps?
  • Must buy the GST Compliant Accounting Software? Which software is better?
  • Bought the GST Compliant Accounting Software but don’t know how to use
  • GST Compliant Accounting Software unable to fulfil existing business requirements especially on invoices, credit note, debit note, statement of accounts format
  • Confused on GST filling requirements (when to submit, how to submit, what to submit and etc)
  • Not confirm whether the business is fully complied with GST Act
  • Not aware of the latest updates in GST Acts / Regulations

We, 3E Accounting, an approved GST license agent by Royal Customs Malaysia, could help you to manage the GST compliance obligations to avoid any penalties arisen from non-compliance. With the extensive experiences in Singapore GST, our qualified and experienced professionals are able to resolve all your GST related issues at reasonable-priced but guarantee high quality of services, where you will have peace of mind and can focus on your core business.


We offer the full spectrum of professional GST assistance in the following areas:

GST Registration

Any person who makes a taxable supply for business purposes and the GST exclusive value of the taxable turnover of that supply for a period of 12 months or less exceeds the threshold of RM500,000 is required to be registered for GST. If the person refused to be registered, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding RM50,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three (3) years or to both. Please refer to Should I Registered GST? for the guidance.

However, business with taxable turnover of RM500,000 and below, even though not required to be registered, may choose to apply for voluntary registration. Please refer to Issues to Consider Before Register GST Voluntarily for further details

Having difficulties in determining whether you should register for GST? Not sure how to register for GST?  No worry, 3E Accounting will assist you always.

GST Filings and Reviews

“Bought the GST Compliant Accounting Software but don’t know how to use”
“There are too many tax codes …… I’m not sure whether my account clerks key in correctly”
“How do I fill up the GST -03 form? How to submit? When to submit? How & when to pay?”

3E Accounting, a licensed GST agent will all the answers to you !!! We could advise you on the GST filling requirements, help to review the GST-03 form and identify as much weaknesses/errors as possible before filing is made and concluded to manage the risks of incorrect returns.

E-filing on behalf of is provided at FREE if you have engaged us on the monthly Bookkeeping Services !!!


GST Implementation Advisory & Planning

There are misperception that GST implementation could be done by just having a GST compliant accounting software. GST impacts are not only on accounting functions alone, it will have implications on the entire business processes including procurements, supply chain, sales & marketing, and much more.

3E Accounting promises to help our clients to implement GST across the business and ensure smooth adoption of GST into the business model and system at 3E way – efficiency, effectiveness and economy. Contact us immediately at [email protected] to find out how 3E Accounting could do it !!!


Customised In House GST Training

The scope and requirements of Malaysia GST are too complex. You may easily get confused with the complicated rules and regulations which in fact may not relevant for your business. Therefore, 3E Accounting believe customised in house GST training will be more efficient and effective and economy to train your team on how to handle GST.

Our Customized in-house GST Training will explain the specific GST treatments that affect your business.


Other GST Consulting Services

  • Managing and responding to Royal Malaysian Custom Department (RMCD)’s queries
  • Making voluntary disclosures of errors to the RMCD to mitigate penalty exposure
  • Managing RMCD audits and investigations
  • Conducting GST Compliance Review (GST Health check)
  • Advising on GST implications involving business start-ups, new business arrangements and cross-border transactions
  • Reviewing and advising on internal controls for GST reporting
  • Reviewing and advising on accounting system logic for GST coding


Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Contact us today at [email protected] for a no-obligation consultation.