The New Number Format Will Be Used for All Registered Companies in Malaysia
With a steady economy, we are seeing more businesses and companies being registered. Every entrepreneur, big or small, is joining the entrepreneurship bandwagon as it is a viable alternative source of income. Just recently, a new business registration number format is introduced by the Companies Commission of Malaysia.
Data Management
In the light of simplifying data management, the new number format is introduced as one of the Small and Medium Enterprise High Impact Programme 1 (SME HIP 1) led by the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU). It is one of the Malaysian government effort to use a single registration format for business entities in Malaysia. The registry body that leads this implementation is Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM). Most business entities that are operating in Malaysia must be registered with SSM. The new number format will be used for business entities registering with SSM beginning 11 October 2019. Besides SSM, other business registry bodies will also implement this new business registration number format. The new format will replace the current company registration number, and business registration number.
The New Numbers
The new number format contains 12 digits. For companies, businesses and limited liability partnership that registered on and after the effective date, SSM will provide two format numbers, the new and the old. The following is an example of how it will look like on your registration certificate:
- Company Name: AMS Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd.
- Registration No.: 201901000005 (1312525-A)
The new number format is at the front, and the old number format is in the brackets. The new number format is made up of three parts. We will take the example above and break it down for your easy understanding.
- [2019] – The first four digits is the year of registration.
- [01] – The next two figures are the type of business entity.
- [000005] – The last six digits is the entity’s running number.
The middle part of the new format represents the types of business entity.
- 01 is for a local company
- 02 is for a foreign company
- 03 is for businesses
- 04 is for limited liability partnership (LLP)
- 05 is for international limited liability partnership and
- 06 is for professional limited liability partnership
The new format will replace the current company registration number, business registration number and limited liability partnership number. Both numbers can be used for searching business entities on the SSM website if the need arises.
No Change Needed
Business owners with the old registration numbers are encouraged to obtain their new business registration number format from SSM for their reference and records. To date, there is no urgency to make changes to official letterheads, invoice, retail signboards and other documents. SSM will make the necessary announcement on when fully implement the use of one number format. For more enquiry on the new business registration number format, visit the SSM website.